3 Things CMOs Should Learn from Sales to Succeed in New Buy Cycles | Watch On Demand

There’s little doubt that the way customers buy (and the balance of power during the process) has fundamentally shifted. Where salespeople were once the primary gateway to product information, today’s empowered buyers have a range of digital resources at their disposal –your corporate website, competitors’ sites, user review platforms and social media, to name a few. In fact, Gartner forecasts that by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions will occur in digital channels, as 1 in 3 buyers (even more, among millennials) desire a seller-free sales experience.

In this environment, what do marketers need to know to create and deliver impactful digital experiences that drive more conversions? How can sales and marketing better connect to increase revenue? And what can marketers learn from sales – taking some proven “tricks of the trade” and applying them to the digital realm? This session with Lacey Ford, CMO of Crownpeak, and Sean Murray, CRO at Greenhouse, will explore:

  • The evolving role of the salesperson (who’s not, in fact, bound for extinction), including where and how reps can best add value in the sales cycle, and how to improve digital sales enablement.
  • How to elevate (and differentiate) digital experiences across touchpoints, especially your website, a critical part of the buying process. This includes having consistent, contextualized and accessible content; educational resources across the buyer’s journey; and a cohesive omnichannel strategy.
  • Why one-size-fits-all approaches don’t fit buyers. Instead, account-based marketing (ABM), personalization and next best actions, and AI-powered insights are key assets in the modern CMO’s toolkit.

3 Things CMOs Should Learn from Sales to Succeed in New Buy Cycles