There’s an alternative to the Bloomreach Lock-In — and it’s better for international eCommerce Merchandisers!

23 Aug 2024

Unlock Flexibility with Crownpeak

One of the standout advantages of Crownpeak over Bloomreach is the freedom from vendor lock-in. While Bloomreach requires businesses to adopt its entire platform—an approach that can be both costly and complex—Crownpeak offers a modular solution. This flexibility allows e-commerce merchandising teams to choose and integrate the technologies that best suit their needs, ensuring you stay in control while benefiting from a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) and faster time-to-value.

Scale Your E-Commerce Internationally with Ease

Scaling your e-commerce business internationally requires robust tools and seamless multi-site management. Crownpeak excels in this area, understanding the nuances of language and the importance of localizing product assortments and search results—all through a single instance . This simplifies internationalization without the excessive manual effort or exclusion rules often required when scaling Bloomreach across multiple sites and regions.

Superior Merchandising and Visual Merchandising

For e-commerce merchandisers, the ability to present and optimize products effectively is critical. Crownpeak offers strong tools for visual merchandising , utilizing patented technologies such as ranking cocktails to enable sophisticated product presentation and optimization. This allows you to curate and maintain your brand story whilst also meeting business objectives and localization needs.

Don’t be limited in curating beautiful, high-performing product listing pages that convert and engage.

Enhanced Customization and Control

Crownpeak empowers users with greater control and customization options. It combines intelligent merchandising with sophisticated rules layered on top of AI algorithms, providing superior control over product displays and promotions. Unlike others that rely on a “black box” approach to AI, Crownpeak's approach ensures transparency and flexibility, allowing you to choose the right model for each use case and fine-tune it to meet your business goals. Your merchandising team stays in control while benefiting from automation.

Crownpeak vs Bloomreach: Why Crownpeak is the Superior Choice for International E-commerce Merchandisers

For International e-commerce merchandising teams seeking a flexible, scalable, and robust platform, Crownpeak clearly stands out as the superior choice. With no vendor lock-in or forced subscription to modules and products you don’t need, Crownpeak offers better international scalability, team management , enhanced merchandising tools, and the ability to own and control the benefits of AI with your brand story.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce merchandising?

Explore how Crownpeak Product Discovery can drive international success for your business. Learn more about Crownpeak Product Discovery or connect with one of our experts to discuss your unique needs and goals today.