How to Action Successful DEI Initiatives Across Your Digital Enterprise

Heightened societal awareness, combined with regulatory and business imperatives have put Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at the top of the to-do list for many organizations.

Taking a proactive, strategic approach to DEI can help organizations attract and retain a high-caliber workforce, strengthen market leadership, win new customers, build loyalty, and stay ahead of the competition. Likewise, the lack of adequate DEI can have the opposite effect on every one of these key success factors, and companies that aren’t engaging in DEI efforts now are already behind.

But how can you make quick wins and as well as action holistic initiatives across the digital landscape of a large organization?

Download the eBook to learn:

  • How to build the business case for DEI in your organization
  • Three key aspects of DEI in digital experiences: accessibility, language and representation
  • How to build your DEI action plan and put it into motion
  • Driving DEI home with technology

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